HVAC Inspections for Peak Performance
After moving into a new home or noticing changes in the system’s operation, many homeowners request HVAC services in addition to the yearly maintenance. An HVAC inspection can yield essential details regarding the capacity, age, efficiency, and state of your equipment, among other things.
For instance, we might advise installing a larger unit that can efficiently cool your home on hot summer days if testing reveals that the capacity of your system is too small for the square footage of your house. Alternatively, suppose the equipment is near the end of its useful life. In that case, we might advise scheduling a replacement within the next three to five years to avoid being without air conditioning for too long. A more energy-efficient model or air-sealing ductwork are two upgrades that can be identified by evaluating efficiency and performance and will result in lower electricity costs.
Using this information, our technicians can recommend any necessary upgrades or replacements. They also search for methods to reduce energy use, enhance indoor air quality, and increase comfort. Comprehensive HVAC inspections are available from HVAC Inspections Los Angeles to suit your needs, from basic visual inspections to comprehensive performance evaluations.